
Text Analysis
Programs for extracting structured information from text, namely information extractors, often operate separately on document segments obtained from a generic splitting operation such as sentences, paragraphs, k-grams, HTTP requests, and so on. An automated detection of this behavior of extractors, which we refer to as split-correctness, would allow text analysis systems to devise query plans with parallel evaluation on segments for accelerating the processing of large documents. Other applications include the incremental evaluation on dynamic content, where re-evaluation of information extractors can be restricted to revised segments, and debugging, where developers of information extractors are informed about potential boundary crossing of different semantic components. We propose a new formal framework for split-correctness within the formalism of document spanners. Our preliminary analysis studies the complexity of split-correctness over regular spanners. We also discuss different variants of split-correctness, for instance, in the presence of black-box extractors with “split constraints”.
Regular expressions with capture variables, also known as “regex formulas,” extract relations of spans (interval positions) from text. These relations can be further manipulated via the relational Algebra as studied in the context of “document spanners,” Fagin et al.’s formal framework for information extraction. We investigate the complexity of querying text by Conjunctive Queries (CQs) and Unions of CQs (UCQs) on top of regex formulas. Such queries have been investigated in prior work on document spanners, but little is known about the (combined) complexity of their evaluation. We show that the lower bounds (NP-completeness and W[1]-hardness) from the relational world also hold in our setting; in particular, hardness hits already single-character text. Yet, the upper bounds from the relational world do not carry over. Unlike the relational world, acyclic CQs, and even gamma-acyclic CQs, are hard to compute. The source of hardness is that it may be intractable to instantiate the relation defined by a regex formula, simply because it has an exponential number of tuples. Yet, we are able to establish general upper bounds. In particular, UCQs can be evaluated with polynomial delay, provided that every CQ has a bounded number of atoms (while unions and projection can be arbitrary). Furthermore, UCQ evaluation is solvable with FPT (Fixed-Parameter Tractable) delay when the parameter is the size of the UCQ.
Query Optimization
Graph pattern matching (e.g., finding all cycles and cliques) has become an important component in domains such as social networks, biology and cyber-security. In recent years, the database community has shown that graph pattern matching problems can be mapped to an efficient new class of relational join algorithms.
In this paper, we argue that this new class of join algorithms is highly amenable to specialized hardware acceleration thanks to two fundamental properties: improved memory locality and inherent concurrency. The improved locality is a result of the bound number of intermediate results these algorithms generate, which yields smaller working sets. Coupled with custom caching mechanisms, this property can be used to dramatically reduce the number of main memory accesses invoked by the algorithm. In addition, their inherent concurrency can be leveraged for effective hardware acceleration and hiding memory latency.
We demonstrate the hardware amenability of this new class of algorithms by introducing TrieJax, a hardware accelerator for graph pattern matching that can be tightly integrated into existing manycore processors. TrieJax employs custom caching mechanisms and a massively multithreaded design to dramatically accelerate graph pattern matching. We evaluate TrieJax on a set standard graph pattern matching queries and datasets. Our evaluation shows that TrieJax outperforms recently proposed hardware accelerators for graph and database processing that do not employ the new class of algorithms by 7 – 63× on average (up to 539×), while consuming 15 – 179× less energy (up to 1750×), and systems that incorporate modern relational join algorithms by 9 – 20× on average (up to 45×), while consuming 59 – 110× less energy (up to 372×).
A tree decomposition of a graph facilitates computations by grouping vertices into bags that are interconnected in an acyclic structure; hence their importance in a plethora of problems such as query evaluation over databases and inference over probabilistic graphical models. The relative benefit from different tree decompositions is measured by diverse (sometime complex) cost functions that vary from one application to another. For generic cost functions like width and fill-in, an optimal tree decomposition can be efficiently computed in some cases, notably when the number of minimal separators is bounded by a polynomial (due to Bouchitte and Todinca); we refer to this assumption as “poly-MS.” To cover the variety of cost functions in need, it has recently been proposed to devise algorithms for enumerating many decomposition candidates for applications to choose from using specialized, or even machine-learned, cost functions. We explore the ability to produce a large collection of “high quality” tree decompositions. We present the first algorithm for ranked enumeration of the proper (non-redundant) tree decompositions, or equivalently minimal triangulations, under a wide class of cost functions that substantially generalizes the generic ones above. On the theoretical side, we establish the guarantee of polynomial delay if poly-MS is assumed, or if we are interested in tree decompositions of a width bounded by a constant. We describe an experimental evaluation on graphs of various domains (including join queries, Bayesian networks, treewidth benchmarks and random), and explore both the applicability of the poly-MS assumption and the performance of our algorithm relative to the state of the art.
Programs for extracting structured information from text, namely information extractors, often operate separately on document segments obtained from a generic splitting operation such as sentences, paragraphs, k-grams, HTTP requests, and so on. An automated detection of this behavior of extractors, which we refer to as split-correctness, would allow text analysis systems to devise query plans with parallel evaluation on segments for accelerating the processing of large documents. Other applications include the incremental evaluation on dynamic content, where re-evaluation of information extractors can be restricted to revised segments, and debugging, where developers of information extractors are informed about potential boundary crossing of different semantic components. We propose a new formal framework for split-correctness within the formalism of document spanners. Our preliminary analysis studies the complexity of split-correctness over regular spanners. We also discuss different variants of split-correctness, for instance, in the presence of black-box extractors with “split constraints”.
We present an algorithm that enumerates all the minimal triangulations of a graph in incremental polynomial time. Consequently, we get an algorithm for enumerating all the proper tree decompositions, in incremental polynomial time, where “proper” means that the tree decomposition cannot be improved by removing or splitting a bag. The algorithm can incorporate any method for (ordinary, single result) triangulation or tree decomposition, and can serve as an anytime algorithm to improve such a method. We describe an extensive experimental study of an implementation on real data from different fields. Our experiments show that the algorithm improves upon central quality measures over the underlying tree decompositions, and is able to produce a large number of high-quality decompositions.
Enumeration Algorithms
A tree decomposition of a graph facilitates computations by grouping vertices into bags that are interconnected in an acyclic structure; hence their importance in a plethora of problems such as query evaluation over databases and inference over probabilistic graphical models. The relative benefit from different tree decompositions is measured by diverse (sometime complex) cost functions that vary from one application to another. For generic cost functions like width and fill-in, an optimal tree decomposition can be efficiently computed in some cases, notably when the number of minimal separators is bounded by a polynomial (due to Bouchitte and Todinca); we refer to this assumption as “poly-MS.” To cover the variety of cost functions in need, it has recently been proposed to devise algorithms for enumerating many decomposition candidates for applications to choose from using specialized, or even machine-learned, cost functions. We explore the ability to produce a large collection of “high quality” tree decompositions. We present the first algorithm for ranked enumeration of the proper (non-redundant) tree decompositions, or equivalently minimal triangulations, under a wide class of cost functions that substantially generalizes the generic ones above. On the theoretical side, we establish the guarantee of polynomial delay if poly-MS is assumed, or if we are interested in tree decompositions of a width bounded by a constant. We describe an experimental evaluation on graphs of various domains (including join queries, Bayesian networks, treewidth benchmarks and random), and explore both the applicability of the poly-MS assumption and the performance of our algorithm relative to the state of the art.
We present an algorithm that enumerates all the minimal triangulations of a graph in incremental polynomial time. Consequently, we get an algorithm for enumerating all the proper tree decompositions, in incremental polynomial time, where “proper” means that the tree decomposition cannot be improved by removing or splitting a bag. The algorithm can incorporate any method for (ordinary, single result) triangulation or tree decomposition, and can serve as an anytime algorithm to improve such a method. We describe an extensive experimental study of an implementation on real data from different fields. Our experiments show that the algorithm improves upon central quality measures over the underlying tree decompositions, and is able to produce a large number of high-quality decompositions.
Uncertain Data Management
We study the complexity of estimating the probability of an outcome in an election over probabilistic votes. The focus is on voting rules expressed as positional scoring rules, and two models of probabilistic voters: the uniform distribution over the completions of a partial voting profile (consisting of a partial ordering of the candidates by each voter), and the Repeated Insertion Model (RIM) over the candidates, including the special case of the Mallows distribution. Past research has established that, while exact inference of the probability of winning is computationally hard (#P-hard), an additive polynomial-time approximation (additive FPRAS) is attained by sampling and averaging. There is often, though, a need for multiplicative approximation guarantees that are crucial for important measures such as conditional probabilities. Unfortunately, a multiplicative approximation of the probability of winning cannot be efficient (under conventional complexity assumptions) since it is already NP-complete to determine whether this probability is nonzero. Contrastingly, we devise multiplicative polynomial-time approximations (multiplicative FPRAS) for the probability of the complement event, namely, losing the election.
We investigate the complexity of computing an optimal repair of an inconsistent database, in the case where integrity constraints are Functional Dependencies (FDs). We focus on two types of repairs: an optimal subset repair (optimal S-repair) that is obtained by a minimum number of tuple deletions, and an optimal update repair (optimal U-repair) that is obtained by a minimum number of value (cell) updates. For computing an optimal S-repair, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that succeeds on certain sets of FDs and fails on others. We prove the following about the algorithm. When it succeeds, it can also incorporate weighted tuples and duplicate tuples. When it fails, the problem is NP-hard, and in fact, APX-complete (hence, cannot be approximated better than some constant). Thus, we establish a dichotomy in the complexity of computing an optimal S-repair. We present general analysis techniques for the complexity of computing an optimal U-repair, some based on the dichotomy for S-repairs. We also draw a connection to a past dichotomy in the complexity of finding a “most probable database” that satisfies a set of FDs with a single attribute on the left hand side; the case of general FDs was left open, and we show how our dichotomy provides the missing generalization and thereby settles the open problem.
Probabilistic programming languages are used for developing statistical models. They typically consist of two components: a specification of a stochastic process (the prior) and a specification of observations that restrict the probability space to a conditional subspace (the posterior). Use cases of such formalisms include the development of algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
In this article, we establish a probabilistic-programming extension of Datalog that, on the one hand, allows for defining a rich family of statistical models, and on the other hand retains the fundamental properties of declarativity. Our proposed extension provides mechanisms to include common numerical probability functions; in particular, conclusions of rules may contain values drawn from such functions. The semantics of a program is a probability distribution over the possible outcomes of the input database with respect to the program. Observations are naturally incorporated by means of integrity constraints over the extensional and intensional relations. The resulting semantics is robust under different chases and invariant to rewritings that preserve logical equivalence.
Most theoretical frameworks that focus on data errors and inconsistencies follow logic-based reasoning. Yet, practical data cleaning tools need to incorporate statistical reasoning to be effective in real-world data cleaning tasks. Motivated by empirical successes, we propose a formal framework for unclean databases, where two types of statistical knowledge are incorporated: The first represents a belief of how intended (clean) data is generated, and the second represents a belief of how noise is introduced in the actual observed database. To capture this noisy channel model, we introduce the concept of a Probabilistic Unclean Database (PUD), a triple that consists of a probabilistic database that we call the intention, a probabilistic data transformator that we call the realization and captures how noise is introduced, and an observed unclean database that we call the observation. We define three computational problems in the PUD framework: cleaning (infer the most probable intended database, given a PUD), probabilistic query answering (compute the probability of an answer tuple over the unclean observed database), and learning (estimate the most likely intention and realization models of a PUD, given examples as training data). We illustrate the PUD framework on concrete representations of the intention and realization, show that they generalize traditional concepts of repairs such as cardinality and value repairs, draw connections to consistent query answering, and prove tractability results. We further show that parameters can be learned in some practical instantiations, and in fact, prove that under certain conditions we can learn a PUD directly from a single dirty database without any need for clean examples.
Preference Data Management
Election databases are the main elements of a recently introduced framework that aims to create bridges between the computational social choice and the data management communities. An election database consists of incomplete information about the preferences of voters, in the form of partial orders, alongside with standard database relations that provide contextual information. Earlier work in computational social choice focused on the computation of possible winners and necessary winners that are determined by the available incomplete information and the voting rule at hand. The presence of the relational context, however, permits the formulation of sophisticated queries about voting rules, candidates, potential winners, issues, and positions on issues. Such queries can be given possible answer semantics and necessary answer semantics on an election database, where the former means that the query is true on some completion of the given partial orders and the latter means that the query is true on every such completion. %In this paper, łooseness = -1 We carry out a systematic investigation of query evaluation on election databases by analyzing how the interaction between the partial preferences, the voting rules and the relational context impacts on the complexity of query evaluation. To this effect, we focus on positional scoring rules and unions of conjunctive queries. We establish a number of results that delineate the complexity of the possible answers and of the necessary answers for different positional scoring rules and for various classes of unions of conjunctive queries. Furthermore, we show that query evaluation is fixed-parameter tractable, where the parameter is the number of candidates in the election.
We study the complexity of estimating the probability of an outcome in an election over probabilistic votes. The focus is on voting rules expressed as positional scoring rules, and two models of probabilistic voters: the uniform distribution over the completions of a partial voting profile (consisting of a partial ordering of the candidates by each voter), and the Repeated Insertion Model (RIM) over the candidates, including the special case of the Mallows distribution. Past research has established that, while exact inference of the probability of winning is computationally hard (#P-hard), an additive polynomial-time approximation (additive FPRAS) is attained by sampling and averaging. There is often, though, a need for multiplicative approximation guarantees that are crucial for important measures such as conditional probabilities. Unfortunately, a multiplicative approximation of the probability of winning cannot be efficient (under conventional complexity assumptions) since it is already NP-complete to determine whether this probability is nonzero. Contrastingly, we devise multiplicative polynomial-time approximations (multiplicative FPRAS) for the probability of the complement event, namely, losing the election.
Models of uncertain preferences, such as Mallows, have been extensively studied due to their plethora of application domains. In a recent work, a conceptual and theoretical framework has been proposed for supporting uncertain preferences as first-class citizens in a relational database. The resulting database is probabilistic, and, consequently, query evaluation entails inference of marginal probabilities of query answers. In this paper, we embark on the challenge of a practical realization of this framework. We first describe an implementation of a query engine that supports querying probabilistic preferences alongside relational data. Our system accommodates preference distributions in the general form of the Repeated Insertion Model (RIM), which generalizes Mallows and other models. We then devise a novel inference algorithm for conjunctive queries over RIM, and show that it significantly outperforms the state of the art in terms of both asymptotic and empirical execution cost. We also develop performance optimizations that are based on sharing computation among different inference tasks in the workload. Finally, we conduct an extensive experimental evaluation and demonstrate that clear performance benefits can be realized by a query engine with built-in probabilistic inference, as compared to a stand alone implementation with a black-box inference solver.
We develop a novel framework that aims to create bridges between the computational social choice and the database management communities. This framework enriches the tasks currently supported in computational social choice with relational database context, thus making it possible to formulate sophisticated queries about voting rules, candidates, voters, issues, and positions. At the conceptual level, we give rigorous semantics to queries in this framework by introducing the notions of necessary answers and possible answers to queries. At the technical level, we embark on an investigation of the computational complexity of the necessary answers. In particular, we establish a number of results about the complexity of the necessary answers of conjunctive queries involving the plurality rule that contrast sharply with earlier results about the complexity of the necessary winners under the plurality rule.
Distributions over rankings are used to model user preferences in various settings including political elections and electronic commerce. The Repeated Insertion Model (RIM) gives rise to various known probability distributions over rankings, in particular to the popular Mallows model. However, probabilistic inference on RIM is computationally challenging, and provably intractable in the general case. In this paper we propose an algorithm for computing the marginal probability of an arbitrary partially ordered set over RIM. We analyze the complexity of the algorithm in terms of properties of the model and the partial order, captured by a novel measure termed the “cover width.” We also conduct an experimental study of the algorithm over serial and parallelized implementations. Building upon the relationship between inference with rank distributions and counting linear extensions, we investigate the inference problem when restricted to partial orders that lend themselves to efficient counting of their linear extensions.
In the design of analytical procedures and machine-learning solutions, a critical and time-consuming task is that of feature engineering, for which various recipes and tooling approaches have been developed. In this framework paper, we embark on the establishment of database foundations for feature engineering. We propose a formal framework for classification in the context of a relational database. The goal of this framework is to open the way to research and techniques to assist developers with the task of feature engineering by utilizing the database’s modeling and understanding of data and queries, and by deploying the well studied principles of database management. As a first step, we demonstrate the usefulness of this framework by formally defining three key algorithmic challenges. The first challenge is that of separability, which is the problem of determining the existence of feature queries that agree with the training examples. The second is that of evaluating the VC dimension of the model class with respect to a given sequence of feature queries. The third challenge is identifiability, which is the task of testing for a property of independence among features that are represented as database queries. We give preliminary results on these challenges for the case where features are defined by means of conjunctive queries, and in particular we study the implication of various traditional syntactic restrictions on the inherent computational complexity.
Databases & Machine Learning
In the design of analytical procedures and machine-learning solutions, a critical and time-consuming task is that of feature engineering, for which various recipes and tooling approaches have been developed. We embark on the establishment of database foundations for feature engineering. Specifically, we propose a formal framework for classification in the context of a relational database. The goal of this framework is to open the way to research and techniques to assist developers with the task of feature engineering by utilizing the database’s modeling and understanding of data and queries, and by deploying the well studied principles of database management. We demonstrate the usefulness of the framework by formally defining key algorithmic challenges and presenting preliminary complexity results.
Most theoretical frameworks that focus on data errors and inconsistencies follow logic-based reasoning. Yet, practical data cleaning tools need to incorporate statistical reasoning to be effective in real-world data cleaning tasks. Motivated by empirical successes, we propose a formal framework for unclean databases, where two types of statistical knowledge are incorporated: The first represents a belief of how intended (clean) data is generated, and the second represents a belief of how noise is introduced in the actual observed database. To capture this noisy channel model, we introduce the concept of a Probabilistic Unclean Database (PUD), a triple that consists of a probabilistic database that we call the intention, a probabilistic data transformator that we call the realization and captures how noise is introduced, and an observed unclean database that we call the observation. We define three computational problems in the PUD framework: cleaning (infer the most probable intended database, given a PUD), probabilistic query answering (compute the probability of an answer tuple over the unclean observed database), and learning (estimate the most likely intention and realization models of a PUD, given examples as training data). We illustrate the PUD framework on concrete representations of the intention and realization, show that they generalize traditional concepts of repairs such as cardinality and value repairs, draw connections to consistent query answering, and prove tractability results. We further show that parameters can be learned in some practical instantiations, and in fact, prove that under certain conditions we can learn a PUD directly from a single dirty database without any need for clean examples.
We consider the feature-generation task wherein we are given a database with entities labeled as positive and negative examples, and the goal is to find feature queries that allow for a linear separation between the two sets of examples. We focus on conjunctive feature queries, and explore two fundamental problems: (a) deciding whether separating feature queries exist (separability), and (b) generating such queries when they exist. In the approximate versions of these problems, we allow a predefined fraction of the examples to be misclassified. To restrict the complexity of the generated classifiers, we explore various ways of regularizing (i.e., imposing simplicity constraints on) them by limiting their dimension, the number of joins in feature queries, and their generalized hypertree width (ghw). Among other results, we show that the separability problem is tractable in the case of bounded ghw; yet, the generation problem is intractable, simply because the feature queries might be too large. So, we explore a third problem: classifying new entities without necessarily generating the feature queries. Interestingly, in the case of bounded ghw we can efficiently classify without ever explicitly generating the feature queries.
We investigate the application of the Shapley value to quantifying the contribution of a tuple to a query answer. The Shapley value is a widely known numerical measure in cooperative game theory and in many applications of game theory for assessing the contribution of a player to a coalition game. It has been established already in the 1950s, and is theoretically justified by being the very single wealth-distribution measure that satisfies some natural axioms. While this value has been investigated in several areas, it received little attention in data management. We study this measure in the context of conjunctive and aggregate queries by defining corresponding coalition games. We provide algorithmic and complexity-theoretic results on the computation of Shapley-based contributions to query answers; and for the hard cases we present approximation algorithms.